Microtech Offerings

Microtech Environmental Services is a full service restoration services company that performs all phases of restoration, remediation and reconstruction, handling commercial, industrial and businesses.

Licensed professionals also specializing in lead base paint removal, mold remediation and hazardous material removal.

Overview of Asbestos Removal Part 2 – Initial Asbestos Inspections

The first priority for the consulting firm would be for an accredited Asbestos Building Inspector or Management Planner to review any previous building inspection reports to ensure that the inspecting procedures and sample analysis of suspect ACMs meets present day standards.

Additional samples of suspect materials may be required, or a completely new inspection of […]

Overview of Asbestos Removal Part 1- Hiring the Abatement Contractor

The following is part one of a short series overview of both the regulatory requirements, and the typical steps, that a building owner may pursue in dealing with ACMs in or on a building scheduled for demolition.

By the time a building owner has reached the notification stage of a project, they should have selected a […]

Asbestos in Your Home…

If you think asbestos may be in your home, don’t panic! Usually the best thing is to leave asbestos material that is in good condition alone. Asbestos material that is ever disturbed by handling, hitting, rubbing, or exposed to airflow or extreme vibration can be hazardous. If you find damaged asbestos material, there are two […]

Asbestos Do’s and Don’ts for the Homeowner

Do leave undamaged asbestos-containing materials alone.

• Do keep activities to a minimum in any areas having damaged material that may contain asbestos, including limiting children’s access to any materials that may contain asbestos.
• Do take every precaution to avoid damaging asbestos-containing material.
• Do have removal and major repair done by people trained and qualified in […]

Where to find Asbestos in your new home….

Are you remodeling a classic older home? If so, chances are high that asbestos may be lurking somewhere inside your house.

From the 1920s to 1979, asbestos was something of a “miracle” material which was inexpensive and highly effective as a fire retardant. These properties made it quite desirable to use in home construction projects and […]

Reduce The Bad Effects Of An Asbestos Roof

Asbestos roofing material is very familiar with the public, other than it’s cheap and easy installation, because the asbestos roof has a light weight so it does not require a special construction gording. Materials made of asbestos for the building we often see the wave of asbestos (used for roofing), asbestos plate (used for ceiling […]

First full week of spring & lots of Asbestos stories in the news….

It’s the first full week of spring and, as usual, there are lots of stories in the news about asbestos:

The “third wave” of asbestos related-illnesses is coming soon. Right now, about 20% of cases are in women, but that number is expected to rise as illnesses caused by exposure during home renovations begin to outnumber […]

Did you know?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that appears in a fibrous and fluffy form when separated from rock in the asbestos mining process. Its fibers are typically bound together with other minerals to form an indestructible package when undisturbed. The term asbestos is actually a name for a group of minerals that occur in a […]

Why hire a professional?

Asbestos professionals are trained in handling asbestos material. The type of asbestos expert you need will depend on the type of product and what needs to be done to correct the problem. You may hire a general asbestos contractor or, in some cases, a professional trained to handle specific products containing asbestos.

What Do Asbestos Professionals […]